Wednesday 28 October 2009



26 TODAY!!!


Friday 16 October 2009

Pop Star Rant

Something has really bugged me of late regarding the female pop star music scene.

In haste - as I am off out for dinner - but Alexandra Burke's new song Bad Boys - see video link below - is REALLY GOOD.......sticks with a storyline in the video, she can sing, her outfit is great, it ticks all the female pop star boxes for me - and DAMN is this song catchy! It has been going round my head since I saw it on X Factor the other week. - click there to watch it

The issue is.......Cheryl Cole was Alexandra's mentor on X Factor LAST YEAR right - so you'd think them both releasing songs at a similar time would be wrong for starters - not only this but who'd of thought it - Alexandra's song and video are GREAT and Cheryl's are NOT. See video below. - watch Cheryl's less than good video here

The problem is Cheryl and team can't decide on a 'look' for her - so they thought hey let's just add all the different looks into one video!?!? NO - bad idea - it really doesn't work.

it's like lots of music videos in one - couldn't pick one outfit!? yes
you're pretty, yes you have great outfits, but sadly your song
sucks.......which is a shame i was looking forward to hearing it but
now - i am nothing but sad for you Cheryl!

Spot - my Cat

I LOVE my cat Spot! Can you tell!?

She is 5 years old and such a lovely little cat that we rescued from an unloving home a few months ago.

She loves to be WARM - if a radiator is on she sits with her nose pressed against it - bless! Spot loves to sunbathe too - she gets that from me :)

Spot also loves to be on your lap all the time and sleeps on you in bed too - but she does have her moments when she just wants to sleep alone - usually if you are busy and she has given up on sleeping ON you!

Heart to the Spottycat - loves you girl

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I miss those summer days......

Purple Penguin

Logo Design Paint Fun

Visit my new Design Business website here: Long River Design

Heart made of candels

Random Arty Photos I have taken

Photography Fun in Shrewsbury

Photography Fun in Shrewsbury

Photography Fun in Shrewsbury

Photography Fun in Shrewsbury

Photography Fun in Shrewsbury

Photography Fun in Shrewsbury

Photography Fun in Shrewsbury

Photography Fun in Shrewsbury

Cat owner warning